Unions to appear at healthcare funding inquiry workforce hearings next week
The Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding will commence its first block of hearings on the Health Workforce on Monday 22 July 2024, at 10am in the Chief Secretary’s Building, 121 Macquarie Street, Sydney.
The Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding will commence its first block of hearings on the Health Workforce on Monday 22 July 2024, at 10am in the Chief Secretary’s Building, 121 Macquarie Street, Sydney. The hearings will be livestreamed on the homepage of the Inquiry’s website.
The first block of workforce hearings is expected to last for three weeks. Witnesses next week will include:
- Dr Dustin Halse
Division Secretary, Strategy, Research and Projects
Health Services Union
- Dr Nicholas Spooner
Details regarding other witnesses appearing in this hearing block will be released via the Inquiry Website in due course.
A summary of the issues that the Inquiry intends to examine in the upcoming hearings can be found on the website in the July Workforce Hearing Issues Paper.
The Inquiry intends to hold a second block of Health Workforce hearings during October 2024. Those hearings will focus on the identification and consideration of potential responses and solutions to the circumstances, issues, and challenges identified during the first stage of the hearings. The Inquiry will release a further discussion paper in advance of those hearings.
The Inquiry will deliver the final report to the Governor on or before 26 March 2025.
For more information including the full Terms of Reference please visit the Inquiry Website.